Tuesday, June 5, 2012

May Madness

May has been super busy.  Here are some snaps of our happenings.

Mother's Day at the park
 C is sitting...
 and J is feeling snuggly!
 How many toys fit on the truck?...at least 4
 It's warming up - lots of time on the patio now
 J drew a 'picture for Daddy' to celebrate his exam being over... just not on paper!
 Auntie April stayed
 J wasn't in the mood for pictures!
 This is the end of a half hour concert
 Mr Independent
 C can roll almost anywhere... wanna play?
 I finished N's kindle cover...
 ...at last!
 Belated Merry Christmas!
 And N finished building his model car
Whew!  What will June bring?


Jenn said...

That kindle cover is amazing! I've been trying to make one for Kurt and keep getting frustrated. Where did you find the pattern?

April said...

I love that picture of C and me! Yay! Yes, your May was full . . . should have been a picture of a bleary-eyed Nathan post field exam. :) Hope things are going well . . . hope to Skype with you all on Sunday!

Anonymous said...

WHEW - what a full but rich month! Great post! Hope June provides moments of breathing space!

Bronwyn McLellan said...

Sorry, Jenn. No pattern. Just me measuring, some oddly shaped fabric leftovers, and a lot of unpicking when it didn't work! Now you know why I put it aside for so long after Christmas - ha ha.