Thursday, December 27, 2012

Advent 2012: Week 4

Week 4 of Advent is very short this year!  Here's how we prepared in the couple of days before Christmas.

December 22: Originally, I planned to make marshmallows to have in hot chocolate, but after a playgroup friend gave us this snowman
 I decided not to make work for myself!  We went for a family walk around the 'park' area of our apartment complex and then came back and made minty hot chocolate.  I took the picture after I'd made the drinks so just in case you can't tell, his head contains tiny (hard) marshmallows, his middle contains hot chocolate powder, and his base contains peppermint candy which was heated with the milk.  (I couldn't be bothered crushing it, as instructed, but it seemed to infuse fine.)  J thought this was a fantastic treat.

December 23: We lit the fourth candle on our Advent wreath, symbolizing love.

December 24: Today we retold the Christmas story with a kid-friendly nativity.  In the afternoon we attended the Children's Christmas service at church.  Then in the evening we skyped with family in NZ, where it was already Christmas Day.  After both boys were finally in bed, we nestled presents under the tree since they'd been out of sight to avoid prodding and poking!
 December 25: Christmas Day!  Among our other activities for the day we lit the final candle at the centre of our Advent wreath: the Christ candle.  After all, Christ's coming is the reason we have the preparation time of Advent and the reason we celebrate Christmas in the first place.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Advent 2012: Week 3

Well, Christmas has arrived, but here's our update on Advent activities.  They have helped me focus more on the season of preparation this year.  I felt surprisingly calm and organised - I hope it lasts!  Here's what we got up to in Week 3...

December 15: Due to a short ban on DVDs for a young man, we postponed watching a Christmas movie until a few days later!  Instead we opened our piggy banks and helped him divvy up some money to give to the Salvation Army bell-ringer at Walmart.  He has been fascinated with the bell each time we shop there, so he was keen to give - even if it was more for the bell than the need we explained to him simply.  Near disaster - the bell-ringer wasn't in place as we entered the shop but (phew!) was cheerily ringing as we exited.

December 16: We lit the third candle on our Advent wreath.  J can now tell me as I light each candle during breakfast, "That's the hope candle. That's peace. That's joy!"  He likes trying to blow them out too.
December 17: This morning we hosted our playgroup friends.  Only a couple of families were able to make it but we still expended some energy!  We watched "Jacob's Gift" as our Christmas movie and some relaxation in the afternoon.  It is based on a book by Max Lucado of the same name, telling the Christmas story from the perspective of a carpenter's apprentice whose family runs the inn by the infamous stable.  It has a wonderful message about gift giving.  We have watched and read the book MULTIPLE times during the week since.
December 18: We bundled the boys up in pyjamas and drove over to Highland Park (a swanky Dallas suburb) to see the Christmas light displays.  Many have been installed by professionals and they can be spectacular. (Not that you can tell from my evidence!  The blurry photos don't do the displays justice.  Props to anyone who can identify what is shown in the third photo.)  J could identify snowmen, Santa Claus, trees and houses that looked like "gingerbread house[s]".  I was disappointed that (here in the Bible Belt) there were hardly any nativity scenes.  I think I only saw one in half an hour's driving!

December 19: We made an early start and made Peanut Butter Squares before we went to the local library's story time and shared Christmas stories and cookies.  This is one of the recipes my mum makes around Christmas time, and is the reason I love Reese's Peanut Butter Cups so much!  Apart from the essence, they are pretty alike.  The boys helped crush the graham crackers to smithereens (since wine biscuits are hard to come by here) and I was amazed they didn't even attempt to hit each other. :o)  I think the recipe was originally from an Alison Holst cookbook but I can't be sure.

December 20: Today we made gift tags for presents.  I traced some shapes onto paper (stars for J and circles for C) and wrote in the to/from details.  The boys went crazy with the crayons and I doctored them up afterward and cut them out.

December 21: The boys helped me wrap the presents they are giving to each other and Dad.  We made sure to stick on the gift tags. At the moment the presents are stashed away because little prying fingers have no mercy and I don't have shares in wrapping paper companies.  They'll come out under the tree closer to Christmas Day.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Advent 2012: Week 2

This has been an unusual week.  A few days before this picture was taken we were still wearing shorts and getting too hot outside.  When we woke up on this day snow had fallen!  It's Texan snow, so it didn't stick around for long - but here's the proof it existed. :o)
We continued to enjoy our Advent activities this week.

December 8: We couldn't find any books about St Nicholas at the library so we watched a series of short clips on Youtube instead.  I'm not sure J understood it, but he sure listened.

December 9: We lit the second candle in our Advent wreath.

December 10: We made gingerbread men.  We didn't ice them, but J loved cutting out the smallest ones (about an inch tall) and C thought they tasted the best!  (He was only really interested in eating that size.)

December 11:  We made paper snowflakes since the overnight snow wasn't going to stick around.  At first I tried sticking them to the window with just water, but as they dried they peeled off, so eventually I used tape.  You can see them in the window in this picture.

December 12: We made 'gingerbread' houses out of graham crackers, some Halloween candy I had stashed, and some mints I bought last week (for their authenticity factor in gingerbread decorating).

They came together well.
J soon worked out he could eat more sweets than he stuck on!
It was cute hearing him count them as he stuck them on.
And here's C's one (well, that's what I'm telling J because he stripped his of its candy within 5 minutes of finishing!)

December 13: We had a cleaning day, to beautify the house for Christmas.  Now there is less dust, the nativity is out, Daddy's desk is orderly and some furniture has been moved.

December 14: We made some 'Chex mix'.  I ended up adapting the recipe on the back of the generic cereal I bought (see below).  It was dubbed our "treat snack mix" and doled out in small quantities.
The boys loved it, but it sure was 'melt on your face not in your hand'.
(Yes, for some reason J wanted to sit on the book to eat.  It wasn't worth a fight!)
Chocolate Peanut Butter Chex Mix

1/4 c butter or margarine
1/4 c peanut butter
1 c chocolate chips

3 c corn Chex (or corn squares cereal)
1 c Cheerios (we had multigrain)

1/2 c icing sugar
1/2 c mini marshmallows

Melt the butter, peanut butter and chocolate in the microwave 30 seconds.  Stir and continue to zap and stir in 10 second increments until melted.  Add the cereals.  (I also had the end of a bag of sliced almonds which I threw in too.)  Stir until evenly coated with the chocolate mixture.  Spread in a single layer on a lined tray and refrigerate 20 minutes or until set.  Break into small chunks and place in a sealable bag with the icing sugar.  Shake to evenly coat the cereal.  Add marshmallows (or any other treats - M&Ms would add colour) and shake to distribute.  Store in the fridge in the bag.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Advent 2012: Week 1

So far the Advent season hasn't overwhelmed us!  My ambitious plans for an activity a day has actually come to fruition so far. :o)

Here's the lowdown:

December 1: We decorated the tree and started our bedtime stories from The Jesus Storybook Bible (continuing).
 It took me a couple of days to string the popcorn and cranberries.
The bottom of the tree is a bit bare because some-two keep rearranging the ornaments and I didn't bother threading more popcorn and cranberries when I found the boys eating the lowest strand halfway down the tree!

 We also started our Advent calendar.
J likes taking out the pieces from the pockets at the bottom and identifying each item.  The conversation goes something like this: J - "What's this?" Me - "An angel." J - "What's this?" Me - "Three Wise Men" J What's this?" Me - "I don't know.  What is it?" J - "It's a candy cane!  What's this?".... You get the picture.

December 2: We lit the first candle on the Advent Wreath.
December 3: We played all our Christmas CDs.  Some are better than others!

December 4: We sent some of our Christmas cards.  Some are still waiting for me to address the envelopes with the correct postcodes.  (Note to self: get on to that!)

December 5: We coloured a printable nativity set.
 J's is on his room.
 And C's (with a little help from Mum) is by the Advent calendar.
 Guess which one is still intact!

December 6: We made a treat for the birds.
 A wedge of apple strung on dental floss, covered with peanut butter, and then popcorn and sesame seeds.
 We hung it out for the birds.
 But the only nibbles I saw here were from this flightless "chick"!
It was hung around the other side of the apartment near J's window later that day!

December 7:  We made our Christmas cake.  For each stir J helped me ask God to bless someone we love!
I doubled the recipe (and cooked it longer - about 2 1/4 hours) and the fruit I used was raisins, currants and glace cherries.  Other times I've used chopped apricots, cranberries, dates... use your imagination.  It turned out very well!

Mum's Boiled Fruit Cake

Boil and cool: 1 lb dried fruit (chopped, if necessary)
                      1 - 2 tsp lemon zest
                      8 oz butter (2 sticks)
                      1 c water
Beat together: 3 eggs
                      1 c sugar
Add to eggs:  1 tsp vanilla essence
                     1/2 tsp orange essence
Sift and add:  2 - 2 1/2 c flour
                     1 tsp baking powder
Stir in cooled fruit.
Bake 1 1/4 - 2 hours at 275*F/150*C (until skewer comes out clean).  Cool in tin.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Advent 2012

We are in the season of Advent, the start of the Church's liturgical year.  It's a time of preparation for Christmas, a time to prepare our hearts and minds to celebrate the wonder and joy of God's gift of Jesus.

We'll be reflecting on the liturgical season with an Advent wreath this year.  While not a church tradition, my family also has an Advent calendar (made by my talented mum) that we use to 'count down to Christmas' each December.  Each pocket at the base of the banner contains a felt ornament that is velcro-ed to the tree in the centre each day.  We'll also be reading from the Jesus Storybook Bible each night as part of our countdown.

Maybe because C has been sick with Hand, Foot and Mouth disease a few weeks ago (read: contagious and we were all sick of being at home in quarantine) I have made a list of 24 activities I'll attempt to do with the boys too.  I might be too ambitious!  Here's my list:

December 2012

  1. decorate our tree
  2. light first candle on our Advent wreath 
  3. play Christmas music CDs
  4. send Christmas cards (in the hope they'll arrive in time across the world!)
  5. colour a printable nativity set 
  6. make our Christmas cake
  7. read about Saint Nicholas
  8. hang a treat for the birds
  9. light the second candle on our Advent wreath
  10. make gingerbread cookies
  11. build a 'gingerbread' house out of graham crackers
  12. make paper snowflakes to decorate (since it is unlikely we'll see the real stuff)
  13. make some Chex mix (a standard snack food around the US during this season)
  14. 'spring' clean our house
  15. watch a Christmas movie (maybe this one?)
  16. light the third candle on our Advent wreath
  17. drive to see some Christmas lights in a nearby neighbourhood
  18. make peanut butter squares (that taste like like Reese's PB cups - yum!)
  19. make gift tags
  20. wrap presents
  21. make marshmallows for hot chocolate
  22. make a donation to the Salvation Army (the bell-ringers are outside our nearest store)
  23. light the fourth candle on our Advent wreath
  24. attend the Christmas Eve service at church (they don't really do it Christmas Day here)and skype with family in NZ (where Christmas will have already arrived)
  25. light the central 'Christ' candle on our Advent wreath and revel in our celebration of God's grace-filled gift of Jesus!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Change in Perspective Is All It Takes

You should be eternally thankful that you didn't spend Thanksgiving with us this year!  
Originally we had been invited to a friend's for a family meal, but we backed out the day before because the kids had been unknowingly exposed to some sick friends and we didn't want to pass on any bugs.  Just as well we did... because all of us but C came down with the stomach flu that night!  We spent Thanksgiving on our knees in a different sense, took turns minding the boys (one happy and all go, the other miserable and snuggly) in front of a showcase of dvds while the other slept, and then we all had a simple Thanksgiving meal of chicken noodle soup - all we could handle.

Despite this tale of woe I spent a lot of time counting my blessings (read some below) and was truly thankful.  You see, about 12 hours earlier my friend had journeyed into Burma on a relief trip.  Despite the progress made recently in the political sphere of this troubled country there are still many injustices.  My friend is working with Partners to bring medical assistance for malnutrition, dehydration and public health issues to a people group who have fallen through the cracks. Please pray for her, the team, and the people they encounter.

She writes,
"As you may have heard if you listen to the news, the situation for the Muslim Rohingya in Rakhine State in Western Burma has become increasingly unstable. Recently 1000's of people have been forced to flee from their villages which have been burned by Rakhine and Burma Govt. They have long been denied citizenship in Burma despite being there for generations. Many have had to seek medical help but have been left untreated in the State hospitals because they are Rohingya. Here is a link to Wikipedia with more info about the Rohingya:"
Source: Partners Relief and Development

..."We seriously need funds to be able to provide the basics for these people - if you can give, know that your little joins with ours to fill the bucket of human kindness (and of the hospitality that is at the heart of God) offered to these people who are in a devastating position denied citizenship in their own country. See our website for details: - if you have medical/nursing training in any way please see our Facebook page which is recruiting people who can offer time to go (self-funded): and/or email here to get more info:

...This is the story our worker in Rakhine State shared with us yesterday.
Sunday, November 18
Fatimah Khatu died today. Nobody cared. Fatimah was a beautiful little girl of only seven. Her mother carried her to our end of the camp. She arrived where we were, just as Fatimah took her last breath.
Fatimah’s mother stood by Fatimah’s lifeless body and told us that her other daughter was in the same condition. She could not carry both girls. The sister was still in the tent fighting for life on her own. One of our doctors and I went immediately to their tent where the sister was lying in the dirt.
Our medical team is doing amazing work. But what they are doing is not even a drop in the ocean. The crowd of those needing care is growing every day and pressing in upon us. We need help. More teams need to come. More governments of the world need to speak loudly against what is happening here. More donations are necessary to provide any relief.
More prayers for peace are needed. More need for Jesus to multiple our few "loaves of bread and fish".
I have been here for 11 days now and during this time I have seen only one other jeep from any relief organization. Some aid has been delivered but it is not enough. No other help, no other governmental or non-governmental organizations, no other indication that the world cares. Genocide is the only word I know that describes what we are seeing. Unnecessary deaths in a world unaware.
Fatimah died in the dirt. The dirt of a land not her own. Fatimah was not even a number. She was not a citizen of any country. She had no identification. She had no food. She died from dehydration with no medicine or medical care.
Fatimah’s mother sat in the tent crying softly beside Fatimah’s body.
Someone had cared...her mother, who now sat alone, without help or hope.
This is why we have come. It's who we are. We can't do it alone

I'm thankful for:
  • my family and friends
  • a safe place to live
  • running water and flushable toilets
  • easy access to medical care and medicine
  • a cupboard with food and the means to make meals without having to go out
  • that we were only dealing with a 24-hour-bug, not months or years of illness
  • that the extra trip to the library during the week meant lots of dvds on hand
  • that we could parent 'tag-team'-style
  • that Partners is taking action in Burma  
  • and much more, of course!  

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Happy First Birthday!

This week (Better late than never!) We recently celebrated C's first birthday.  It's hard to believe it's been that long!  His personality is blossoming and he is making new discoveries and taking new adventures each day.  We love you, Doodah!

Here's the rubber ducky cake I made.
The afternoon tea included "duck food" (Chex and crackers snack mix); "pond weed dip" (guacamole, or should that have been 'quack-a-mole'?); duck-shaped egg salad sandwiches; goldfish crackers; pineapple and grapes (essential to a duck's diet); marshmallow "bubbles"; "Nutella snails" (tortillas spread with Nutella nad cut in pin-wheels); lemon shortbread "duck feet"; gingerbread ducks; and fluffy jelly/Jello "bubble bath" cups.  Yes, I had fun!  And no we didn't eat dinner!
 C sure enjoyed having Happy Birthday sung to him.
Daddy helped blow out his candle.
  He smooshed cake as if he did it professionally.
 The kids all had fun, especially with the balloons, fire truck and blowing bubbles.

 And here are the party favours (sans wrapping) - all with handmade cupcake toppers (never again!) and mini rubber ducks just for the kids.

Here's the birthday boy on his actual birthday, with the obligatory pancake (our tradition) and opening presents.

Then we had a combined birthday celebration at playgroup for all four boys having birthdays within ten days!

This time I was in charge of the cake: Sesame Street.