Monday, January 28, 2013

13 Books for 2013

I've noticed a lot of bloggers posting their goals for 2013.  I'm not that brave!  I do, however, want to broaden my reading selection to something more than the crime novels and recipe books that inevitably catch my eye at the library.

So here I am, proposing to read 13 books this year that I have not read before.  Some have been on my list for a while.  Some are recommended by others.  Some caught my eye in the 'newly published books' magazine that the library promotes.  Some I have read other books by the author.  Some will hopefully get my Regent juices going again.  Some might help me understand more of N's papers when I proofread.

In no particular order:

1. Life Together - Dietrich Bonhoeffer This was one of the texts my housemates read for their internship when we lived in community in Vancouver.
2. Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy  I figure I should read it before I see the movie - even though N has shared most of the plot with me before. ;o)
3. Jesus and the Eyewitnesses - Richard Bauckham  On my list of 'things to read' since it was mentioned at Regent a lot - and we have it on our bookshelf!
4. Ratlines - Stuart Neville OR Watching the Dark - Peter Robinson  It's hard to resist the crime novels, and these caught my eye in a review magazine that I picked up at the library - BookPage.

Source (both):
5. Guns, Germs and Steel - Jared Diamond  This has been on my 'to read' list since N recommended it at least 7 years ago!  Diamond's other books, Collapse and The World Until Yesterday, also look good.
6. Me Before You - Jojo Moyes  Another recommendation I noticed in BookPage.  The blurb reminds me of 'The Intouchables'.
7. One Thousand Gifts - Ann Voskamp  Somewhat of a blog-world sensation, I've read some of this online and want to see if the rest is as good.  I've seen and heard mixed reviews.
8. Habits of the House - Fay Weldon  Touted as a book for fans of Downton Abbey - I fit the bill - this looked interesting.
9. Listening Prayer - Leanne Payne  Meg recommended this at Moms Talk.
10. Hokey Pokey - Jerry Spinelli  I had to have a kids' book somewhere!  I've led a novel study on another of Spinelli's books, and I like the title of this coming-of-age novel (though I think he's referencing the song and not the icecream flavour).
11. Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light - Mother Teresa and Brian Kolodiejchuk  Another recommendation I picked up at Regent, which explores the 'dark night of the soul'.
12. Fall of Giants - Ken Follett  Having read two of Follett's other epic novels, Pillars of the Earth and World Without End, I'm keen to see how he traverses the 20th century.  This is the first of his new Century Trilogy.
13. Being Consumed: Economics and Christian Desire - William T. Cavanaugh  One of the books N seems to refer to frequently in papers and one that likely will be part of his dissertation.  It looks pretty approachable, and it's already on the shelf too.

So there you go.  Thirteen books for 2013.  The first request (#7) is waiting at the library already.  Wish me luck!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Whee! He's Three!

It's has taken me a while but here are the pictures from J's birthday at last.  He opened presents a day early (the day of his party) because we figured he'd just be overwhelmed if we spread it out!
 He's really into Spiderman at the moment, so C's gift was exciting.
 Auntie A gave him some stamps and coloured stamp pads (which he is using right now while I post this!)
The Cat in the Hat game has become popular, but it was assumed to be dress-up material at first! 
 His cake was a race track in the shape of a number 3.
 And there were shortbread traffic lights (3 M&Ms), shortbread cars (with M&M wheels), chocolate dipsticks (pretzel sticks dipped in chocolate), fruit cars (slice of apple with grape wheels attached with toothpicks), plus some veges and dip, popcorn, and club sandwiches.
We bought some Cars themed decorations, napkins and plates.
  Perhaps the best investment was in some checkered duct tape (see the edge of the countertop) and these signs...

Our friends came to play.

 And Uncle G stayed later to help J test out his Christmas present - American cricket, you know ;o)

Friday, January 18, 2013

Following the Herd

I've finally succumbed!

I wanted to use Pinterest to collate ideas for crafty stuff and recipes and such because it seems like a cool resource.  However, to join and prove I'm a real person (not a spammer) I had to verify my (non-existent) Facebook or Twitter account.  I balked at this... in September.  I've held out this long but kept seeing ideas for J's birthday party.

So now I've caved.  I joined Facebook - only after I discovered via N that a friend was getting married and I hadn't even known they were engaged.  Already, my fears of compulsively checking the FB account are being realised, so please pray that I get that under control soon!

Anyway, now I can pin to my heart's content and you can see the results in J's birthday party in my next post.  How's that for a cliff hanger to keep you checking here? ;o)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Christmas 2012

What is the point of Advent without Christmas?

We celebrated Christ's birth in a quiet way at home.  Here are some pictures:

 Stocking time
 (Meanwhile, our new Christmas tradition - breakfast casserole - quietly baked in the oven.  Mmm.)
 Presents galore!
 C's lion was definitely a hit! 
He got a kiss straight away (and is now affectionately known as Ra - as in the sound a lion makes.  The lion lovey/blankie is a cue for nap time for both of us.  C will go get it if he wants to nap!)
 Maybe Grandma's hat will stay on longer when we're outside in the cold?
 Yay! Puzzles must be done immediately.
 Daddy got some beautiful wool.
 Grannie and Poppie's books were a well-deserved quiet time.
 ...before the music started

 Just who got the drums?!
A feast for four...

 No, they didn't eat everything on their (new) plates.
And to top it off, we had just a bit of snow!

Which just goes to show that the real reason for Christmas isn't easily captured by a camera! ;o)

P.S. This post is #100!  Amazing how fast they have accumulated.