Tuesday, May 15, 2012


We've hit some milestones in the past couple of weeks. Some just growth, others glad to have made it!

* C turned 6 months old.
* C is fitting 12 month sized clothing that J was still (just) fitting at age 18 months!
* J has been weaned from a bottle at bedtime - at last!  We celebrated big boy status when the bottles were ceremonially put in the dumpster by going to the park.
* C has started solids.  Rice, oatmeal and apple so far.
* N has finished his first year of PhD classes (the 2nd semester is over but the summer holds 2 field exams and a language exam)
* J is wearing big boy underwear - and we are still working on avoiding accidents.
* April is staying with us for a couple of weeks.  She's finished her first PhD year too.

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