Friday, March 16, 2012


Well, I'm still working through last week's menu.  The coming week's has not yet been determined because I haven't ordered our produce this week, and there's still plenty left from last week.

We went away to Austin and San Antonio for a sibling-sponsored holiday during Spring Break (more in another post) and vegetarianism went out the window with bedtimes, naptimes and limited tv for J!  We didn't specifically look for non-carnivorous eating places while we were away, but there sure wasn't much choice for a vege-lover in amongst the other offerings, usually only one token choice on a menu.  Having said that, I did have the best falafels ever, and when we shopped the food carts in San Antonio's El Mercado (Market Square) the best of our finds was a bean and cheese gordita.  However, we ate a LOT of meat in four days.  More than we usually would in a week, even when we're not fasting meat.

So now I am doing penance!  My digestion still isn't back to normal, and I will have to be creative in the kitchen to use up or store the remaining produce that was abandoned for four days.  Add to that, the need to rest from our hectic holiday schedule, and the J is all out of routine (thankfully not too grouchy today but took much persuasion to get to sleep), and that C had his (late) 4-month check up today with shots and it looks like a long night ahead.

Now that my moan is over, let me assure you that we had a great time, today is good, and tomorrow will likely be better.  I promise photos soon.  Just need to relocate the cord somewhere on the kitchen counter with all the unpacked holiday detritus that needs 'filing'.

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