Friday, January 18, 2013

Following the Herd

I've finally succumbed!

I wanted to use Pinterest to collate ideas for crafty stuff and recipes and such because it seems like a cool resource.  However, to join and prove I'm a real person (not a spammer) I had to verify my (non-existent) Facebook or Twitter account.  I balked at this... in September.  I've held out this long but kept seeing ideas for J's birthday party.

So now I've caved.  I joined Facebook - only after I discovered via N that a friend was getting married and I hadn't even known they were engaged.  Already, my fears of compulsively checking the FB account are being realised, so please pray that I get that under control soon!

Anyway, now I can pin to my heart's content and you can see the results in J's birthday party in my next post.  How's that for a cliff hanger to keep you checking here? ;o)

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