Saturday, July 26, 2008

Food Course: Rest, Retreat and Worship

Sunday was scheduled as a day of rest. People had the opportunity to have family visit (and it happened to be Mothers' Day). We made pizzas (with lots of individual variations), sat and talked, and Anna pulled out her watercolours for people to have a go.
It rained some time, but it was a chance to catch up on reading, do some journalling and reflect on the course so far.
I loved the sound and sight of the rain in the forest area and wrote this poem (Disclaimer: I am not a poet!)
Tin roof timpani
Log trombone with moss mufflers
Slick, lustrous arbutus double bass
Invisibly-plucked fiddlehead strings
Shimmering pine needle chimes
Fern flutes a-flutter
Leafy piano keys fingered by raindrops
I fathom Beethoven's frustration
as I strain for the whispers
of the forest's symphonic crescendo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bron - I love your poem! Thanks for sharing it.