I've noticed a lot of bloggers posting their goals for 2013. I'm not that brave! I do, however, want to broaden my reading selection to something more than the crime novels and recipe books that inevitably catch my eye at the library.
So here I am, proposing to read 13 books this year that I have not read before. Some have been on my list for a while. Some are recommended by others. Some caught my eye in the 'newly published books' magazine that the library promotes. Some I have read other books by the author. Some will hopefully get my Regent juices going again. Some might help me understand more of N's papers when I proofread.
In no particular order:
Life Together - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
This was one of the texts my housemates read for their internship when we lived in community in Vancouver.
Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy
I figure I should read it before I see the movie - even though N has shared most of the plot with me before. ;o)
Source: amazon.com |
Jesus and the Eyewitnesses - Richard Bauckham
On my list of 'things to read' since it was mentioned at Regent a lot - and we have it on our bookshelf!
Source: amazon.com |
Ratlines - Stuart Neville OR
Watching the Dark - Peter Robinson
It's hard to resist the crime novels, and these caught my eye in a review magazine that I picked up at the library - BookPage.
Source (both): amazon.com |
Source: amazon.com |
Source: bookpage.com |
One Thousand Gifts - Ann Voskamp
Somewhat of a blog-world sensation, I've read some of this online and want to see if the rest is as good. I've seen and heard mixed reviews.
Source: amazon.com |
Source: amazon.com |
Source: amazon.com |
Hokey Pokey - Jerry Spinelli
I had to have a kids' book somewhere! I've led a novel study on another of Spinelli's books, and I like the title of this coming-of-age novel (though I think he's referencing the song and not the icecream flavour).
Source: bookpage.com |
Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light - Mother Teresa and Brian Kolodiejchuk
Another recommendation I picked up at Regent, which explores the 'dark night of the soul'.
Source: amazon.com |
Fall of Giants - Ken Follett
Having read two of Follett's other epic novels, Pillars of the Earth and World Without End, I'm keen to see how he traverses the 20th century. This is the first of his new Century Trilogy.
Source: amazon.com |
Being Consumed: Economics and Christian Desire - William T. Cavanaugh
One of the books N seems to refer to frequently in papers and one that likely will be part of his dissertation. It looks pretty approachable, and it's already on the shelf too.
Source: amazon.com |
So there you go. Thirteen books for 2013. The first request (#7) is waiting at the library already. Wish me luck!
1 comment:
I just picked up _Life Together_ a few weeks ago and, even though Kurt has read it before, I told him, "We MUST read this again now." It's so very good.
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