Monday, October 8, 2012


Don't be alarmed - we haven't had a fire!  Though I did neglect to turn off the oven for a few hours in the weekend so we were toasty warm as we had our dinner and dessert with Grant, Gloria and Chelsea on Saturday.  They were over to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving with us, which is actually today.  Happy Thanksgiving to all our dear Canuck friends!  We miss you all and are so thankful for our time together.

Back to the fire...

...truck, that is. :o)

When Grandma and Grandad were staying with us this time last year, Grandad rescued this pedal-car from next to the dumpster.  He discovered it just needed a new washer, nut and bolt, and fixed it up for J. We've been waiting until he is big enough to reach the pedals to give it to him.  
 He still needs to practise steering and pedalling a lot more but he loves it.  Especially the bell!
Thanks Grandad!

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