We'll be reflecting on the liturgical season with an Advent wreath this year. While not a church tradition, my family also has an Advent calendar (made by my talented mum) that we use to 'count down to Christmas' each December. Each pocket at the base of the banner contains a felt ornament that is velcro-ed to the tree in the centre each day. We'll also be reading from the Jesus Storybook Bible each night as part of our countdown.
Maybe because C has been sick with Hand, Foot and Mouth disease a few weeks ago (read: contagious and we were all sick of being at home in quarantine) I have made a list of 24 activities I'll attempt to do with the boys too. I might be too ambitious! Here's my list:
December 2012
- decorate our tree
- light first candle on our Advent wreath
- play Christmas music CDs
- send Christmas cards (in the hope they'll arrive in time across the world!)
- colour a printable nativity set
- make our Christmas cake
- read about Saint Nicholas
- hang a treat for the birds
- light the second candle on our Advent wreath
- make gingerbread cookies
- build a 'gingerbread' house out of graham crackers
- make paper snowflakes to decorate (since it is unlikely we'll see the real stuff)
- make some Chex mix (a standard snack food around the US during this season)
- 'spring' clean our house
- watch a Christmas movie (maybe this one?)
- light the third candle on our Advent wreath
- drive to see some Christmas lights in a nearby neighbourhood
- make peanut butter squares (that taste like like Reese's PB cups - yum!)
- make gift tags
- wrap presents
- make marshmallows for hot chocolate
- make a donation to the Salvation Army (the bell-ringers are outside our nearest store)
- light the fourth candle on our Advent wreath
- attend the Christmas Eve service at church (they don't really do it Christmas Day here)and skype with family in NZ (where Christmas will have already arrived)
- light the central 'Christ' candle on our Advent wreath and revel in our celebration of God's grace-filled gift of Jesus!